8 Designing card layouts

Note: You can use MyID without specifying any card layouts, so you may skip this section if you are not printing smart cards.

You can specify the content and layout of the information to be printed on a smart card when it is issued.

To work with card layouts, from the Configuration category, select Card Layout Editor.

You can also launch this workflow from the Credential Configuration section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Credential Configuration workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.

Depending on your organization’s requirements, you may need to specify multiple card layouts to enable different types of card or the different roles of cardholders to be visually distinguished. You may also need to print different information on the cards for the different roles held by cardholders.

For example, you may specify layouts that:

You can define multiple layout templates and you can associate each template with one or more credential profiles and each credential profile with one or more templates. For example:

Each template specifies the layout for one side of a card. To specify a layout for the reverse of a card, save it using the same name as the front with a _back suffix. For example, if the front layout is called TempStaff, save the reverse as TempStaff_back.

Note: The names given associate the correct reverse layout with the selected front layout, but you must still set your printer to duplex mode when printing the cards.

You can use the Default Card Reverse Layout configuration option (on the Devices page of the Operation Settings workflow) to specify a default layout to use for the reverse of any card. If a card has no defined reverse layout, if this configuration option contains the name of a valid card layout, the layout is used for the reverse of the card.

You can specify the appearance and position of both text and images. The content of these elements can be either: